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Thursday, December 12, 2013

How To Active Your Brain

Meditation has been scientifically proven to synchronize your left and right brain, allowing extremely beneficial changes in hemispheric thought communication, neural chemistry, and intellectual processing power. Its true, meditation super-charges your brain!  What then, is the number one method of increasing my brain power?  Meditation. There are an infinite number of ways meditation can increase your memory, brain power, and intelligence,...

Friday, November 22, 2013

C Programming Language Videos

C Programming Language Tutorials C Programming Tutorial - 1 - Hello World C Programming Tutorial - 2 - Variables C Programming Tutorial - 3 - Math Functions C Programming Tutorial - 4 - If Statement Decision C Programming Tutorial - 5 - If, Else If, Else Statements C Programming Tutorial - 6 - While Loops C Programming Tutorial - 7 - More on Loops C Programming Tutorial - 8 - Switch Statement C Programming Tutorial - 9 - Do While...

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

How To Clean Up Your Browser Cache

Clean Up Browser Cache Step-1   Go Settings Step-2     Go To The "Show advanced settings" Button.  Step-3     And click "Clear browsing data".  Step-4     Select "Empty the cache" And  Change "Obliterate the following items from" to "the beginning of time". And Click "Clear browsing data". ...

How to Delete a Facebook Account Permanently

Delete a Facebook Account Permanently  Step-1     Loging Your Facebook Account  Step-2     Then Click This Link To Delete Your  Facebook Account Permanently  Step-3     Enter your password and Security Check And press “Okay” to permanently delete your account. You will need to wait 14 days for the deletion to take effect. ...

The History of Computers

   Who invented the computer "Who invented the computer?" is not a question with a simple answer. The real answer is that many inventors contributed to the history of computers and that a computer is a complex piece of machinery made up of many parts, each of which can be considered a separate invention. Computer History Year/EnterComputer History Inventors/InventionsComputer History Description of Event 1936 Konrad Zuse - Z1...

How to Completely Hide Folder And Files

Completely Hide Folder And Files Step-1     Go To The Folder Or File Which One You Hide. Step-2      select the address from the Address Bar and Select Copy. Step-3     Click on the Start Button And Search Run. And Type CMD. Step-4    Open CMD And Type"   attrib +s +h   "Hit the Enter . Thats it! your folder is now completely hidden from...

Monday, September 30, 2013

Html Colors Sorted by Hex Value Codes

Html Colors Sorted by Hex Value Codes  ...

IGI 2 Mission Videos

IGI 2 Covert Strike Mission Videos. MISSION 1 :  Infiltration MISSION 2 :  Deep in the Mines MISSION 3 :  The Weather Station MISSION 4 :  Bridge Across the Dnestr MISSION 5 :  Ambush MISSION 6 :  Production Facility MISSION 7 :  Border Crossing MISSION 8 :  Libyan Rendezvous MISSION 9 :  Prison Escape MISSION 10 :  Priboi's Villa   MISSION 11 :  The...

IGI 2 Cheats for PC

IGI 2 Covert Strike Cheats for PC 1.  Level select  Hold [Left Control] + [Left Shift] + [F9] at the main menu, then start the game. All levels will now be unlocked. 2.   Unlimited health Press [Ctrl ] + [Alt ] + [F9]. 3.   Mission skip Press [Esc] during game play. Go to "Controls" then press [Prt Scr] to advance to the next mission. Alternately, press [Left Ctrl] + [Left Shift] + [F12] during game pla...

Monday, September 2, 2013

How To Make My Computer Faster.

MAKE MY COMPUTER FASTER  DOWNLOAD HERE CCleaner is a freeware system optimization, privacy and cleaning tool. It removes unused files from your system - allowing Windows to run faster and freeing up valuable hard disk space. It also cleans traces of your online activities such as your Internet history. Additionally it contains a fully featured registry cleaner. But the best part is that it's fast (normally taking less than a second...

How To Backup Your Gmail Account Step By Step.

Backup Your Gmail Account Step-1     Log into Gmail and click on "Mail Settings" in the top right hand corner. Step-2     Locate and click on the "Forwarding and POP/IMAP". Step-3     Look under "POP Download". Select the first option, "Enable POP for all mail. Step-4     Click on "Save Changes" at the bottom. Step-5     Configure your mail client following the steps below. Once your...

How To Deactivate\delete A Gmail Or Google Account.

  Deactivate\Delete a  Gmail or Google Account. Step-1     Signed out of Gmail, YouTube, Drive,Google+ and another Google Account. Step-2     Log in to your Google account that you want to delete Step-3     and click Account Step-4     You have the option of deleting just your profile and Google+ features, or deleting your entire Google account. Click the "Close account...

Saturday, August 31, 2013


GTA VICE CITY CHEATS During Gameplay, type any of these cheats (note: codes are not case sensitive) DOWNLOAD LINK :- GTA VICE CITY IMAGE ...

Game Development Book In PDF FREE DOWNLOAD (JOHN P. DORAN)

GAME DEVELOPMENT BOOK IN PDF UDK (Unreal Development Kit) is the free version of the popular and award-winning Unreal Engine 3. A truly powerful tool for game development, there has never been a better time to use it for both commercial and independent projects. By learning about advanced functionality via engaging practical examples, you too can take your game to the next level and stand out from the crowd. Learn about advanced aspects...

A Javascript 3rd Edition Book In PDF FREE DOWNLOAD

A JAVASCRIPT 3RD EDITION BOOK IN PDF JavaScript is the ubiquitous programming language of the Web, and for more than 15 years, JavaScript: The Definitive Guide has been the bible of JavaScript programmers around the world. This book is an all-new excerpt of The Definitive Guide, collecting the essential parts of that hefty volume into this slim yet dense pocket reference. The first 9 chapters document the latest version (ECMAScript 5)...

A XML Pocket Reference,3rd Edition Book In PDF FREE DOWNLOAD

                   A XML 3RD EDITION BOOK IN PDF A perennial bestseller, the handy XML Pocket Reference from O'Reilly has been revised once again to give you quick access to the latest goods. In addition to its comprehensive look at XML, this third edition has been updated with new material on Namespaces and XML Schema. If you need XML answers quick and on the fly, this compact book is...